Als da wären:
Die Orginale:
* The following code was generated by the mental mill(R) *
* *
* Copyright 1986-2007 by mental images GmbH, Fasanenstr. 81, D-10623 *
* Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved. *
varying vec3 position;
varying vec3 normal;
void main()
gl_Position = ftransform();
position = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
gl_FrontColor = vec4(1.0);
gl_BackColor = vec4(0.0);
* The following code was generated by the mental mill(R) *
* *
* Copyright 1986-2007 by mental images GmbH, Fasanenstr. 81, D-10623 *
* Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved. *
// The state structure is used internally within the fragment shader to
// commonly used values.
struct State
vec4 tex_coord[4];
vec3 tex_tangent[1];
vec3 tex_binormal[1];
float refracted_ior;
float incident_ior;
vec3 origin;
vec3 position;
vec3 normal;
vec3 motion;
vec2 raster;
vec3 direction;
float ray_length;
float dot_nd;
mat3 tangent_space[1];
float importance;
vec3 texture_du[256];
vec3 texture_dv[256];
vec4 volume_input;
vec3 light_position;
vec3 light_direction;
vec3 light_to_surface;
float light_distance;
float light_dotnl;
int light_type;
float light_spread;
float light_spread_cos;
float light_distance_limit;
// Values for the light_type parameter of light shaders
const int LIGHT_POINT = 0;
const int LIGHT_SPOT = 1;
const int LIGHT_INFINITE = 2;
const int LIGHT_PLANAR = 3;
// The light iterator structure holds the return values resulting from
// evaluating a light.
struct Light_iterator {
vec3 point;
vec3 direction;
float distance;
float dot_nl;
vec4 contribution;
vec4 raw_contribution;
vec4 shadow;
int count;
struct Ray {
vec3 origin;
vec3 direction;
vec4 illumination(float ndotl,float ndoth,float m);
float log10(float x);
vec2 log10(vec2 x);
vec3 log10(vec3 x);
vec4 log10(vec4 x);
float modf(float a,out float b);
vec2 modf(vec2 a,out vec2 b);
vec3 modf(vec3 a,out vec3 b);
vec4 modf(vec4 a,out vec4 b);
float round(float x);
vec2 round(vec2 x);
vec3 round(vec3 x);
vec4 round(vec4 x);
float saturate(float x);
vec2 saturate(vec2 x);
vec3 saturate(vec3 x);
vec4 saturate(vec4 x);
void sincos(float x,out float s,out float c);
void sincos(vec2 x,out vec2 s,out vec2 c);
void sincos(vec3 x,out vec3 s,out vec3 c);
void sincos(vec4 x,out vec4 s,out vec4 c);
mat2 transpose(mat2);
mat3 transpose(mat3);
mat4 transpose(mat4);
float determinant(mat3);
float determinant(mat4);
void mi_component_illumination_base(
vec4 msl_ambient_color,
float msl_ambient_scalar,
vec4 msl_diffuse_reflectance_color,
vec4 msl_diffuse_color,
float msl_diffuse_scalar,
vec4 msl_specular_reflectance_color,
vec4 msl_specular_color,
float msl_specular_scalar,
out vec4 msl_sum,
out vec4 msl_ambient,
out vec4 msl_diffuse,
out vec4 msl_specular)
msl_sum = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
msl_ambient = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
msl_diffuse = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
msl_specular = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
msl_ambient = ((msl_ambient_color * vec4(msl_ambient_scalar)));
msl_sum += msl_ambient;
vec4 msl_0 = msl_diffuse_reflectance_color * msl_diffuse_color;
msl_diffuse += ((msl_0 * vec4(msl_diffuse_scalar)));
msl_sum += msl_diffuse;
vec4 msl_1 = msl_specular_reflectance_color * msl_specular_color;
msl_specular += ((msl_1 * vec4(msl_specular_scalar)));
msl_sum += msl_specular;
msl_sum.a = 1.0;
msl_ambient.a = 1.0;
msl_diffuse.a = 1.0;
msl_specular.a = 1.0;
vec4 mi_ashikhmin_shirley_diffuse(
vec3 msl_lightDir,
vec3 msl_eyeDir,
vec3 msl_n,
vec4 msl_Rd,
vec4 msl_Rs)
float msl_f1 = 1.0 - ((0.5 * dot(msl_lightDir,msl_n)));
float msl_f2 = 1.0 - ((0.5 * (-dot(msl_eyeDir,msl_n))));
float msl_d = ((((28.0 / ((23.0 * 3.14159265358979323846)))) * ((1.0 - pow(msl_f1,float(5)))))) * ((1.0 - pow(msl_f2,float(5))));
vec4 msl_0 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 msl_1 = saturate(((msl_0 - msl_Rs)));
vec4 msl_2 = msl_Rd * msl_1;
return msl_2 * vec4(msl_d);
vec4 mi_ashikhmin_shirley_specular(
float msl_shininess_u,
float msl_shininess_v,
vec3 msl_lightDir,
vec3 msl_eyeDir,
vec3 msl_n,
vec3 msl_u,
vec3 msl_v,
vec4 msl_Rd,
vec4 msl_Rs)
vec3 msl_h = normalize(((msl_lightDir - msl_eyeDir)));
float msl_kh = abs(dot(msl_eyeDir,msl_h));
float msl_hv = dot(msl_h,msl_v);
float msl_hu = dot(msl_h,msl_u);
float msl_hn = dot(msl_h,msl_n);
float msl_nk1 = abs(dot(msl_n,msl_lightDir));
float msl_nk2 = abs(dot(msl_n,msl_eyeDir));
float msl_c = sqrt(((((msl_shininess_u + 1.0)) * ((msl_shininess_v + 1.0))))) / ((8.0 * 3.14159265358979323846));
float msl_exponent = ((((((msl_shininess_u * msl_hu)) * msl_hu)) + ((((msl_shininess_v * msl_hv)) * msl_hv)))) / ((1.0 - ((msl_hn * msl_hn))));
vec4 msl_0 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 msl_1 = saturate(((msl_0 - msl_Rs)));
float msl_2 = pow(max(1.0 - msl_kh,0.0),float(5));
vec4 msl_3 = msl_1 * vec4(msl_2);
vec4 msl_fresnel = msl_Rs + msl_3;
float msl_4 = ((msl_c * pow(msl_hn,msl_exponent))) / ((msl_kh * max(msl_nk1,msl_nk2)));
return vec4(msl_4) * msl_fresnel;
float mi_SQR(
float msl_x)
return msl_x * msl_x;
vec4 mi_cooktorr_specular(
vec3 msl_di,
vec3 msl_dr,
vec3 msl_n,
float msl_roughness,
vec4 msl_ior)
vec4 msl_result;
vec4 msl_F,msl_g;
vec3 msl_fhalf;
float msl_nh,msl_nv,msl_nl,msl_vh,msl_nh2,msl_m2,msl_t;
float msl_D,msl_G,msl_c,msl_otherterms,msl_expo;
msl_fhalf = ((msl_dr - msl_di));
msl_fhalf = normalize(msl_fhalf);
msl_nh = dot(msl_n,msl_fhalf);
msl_result.rgba = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (msl_nh > 0.0)
msl_nl = dot(msl_n,msl_dr);
msl_nv = (-dot(msl_n,msl_di));
msl_vh = (-dot(msl_di,msl_fhalf));
msl_nh2 = ((msl_nh * msl_nh));
msl_m2 = ((msl_roughness * msl_roughness));
msl_expo = ((((msl_nh2 - float(1))) / ((msl_nh2 * msl_m2))));
msl_D = ((exp(msl_expo) / ((((((((float(4) * 3.14159265358979323846)) * msl_m2)) * msl_nh2)) * msl_nh2))));
msl_G = ((((((2.0 * msl_nh)) * min(msl_nv,msl_nl))) / msl_vh));
msl_G = min(msl_G,1.0);
msl_c = dot(msl_dr,msl_fhalf);
msl_t = ((msl_ior.r < float(1)) ? float(1) : float(msl_ior.r));
msl_g.r = sqrt(((((((msl_t * msl_t)) + ((msl_c * msl_c)))) - float(1))));
msl_t = ((msl_ior.g < float(1)) ? float(1) : float(msl_ior.g));
msl_g.g = sqrt(((((((msl_t * msl_t)) + ((msl_c * msl_c)))) - float(1))));
msl_t = ((msl_ior.b < float(1)) ? float(1) : float(msl_ior.b));
msl_g.b = sqrt(((((((msl_t * msl_t)) + ((msl_c * msl_c)))) - float(1))));
msl_F.r = ((((((0.5 * mi_SQR(((msl_g.r - msl_c))))) / mi_SQR(((msl_g.r + msl_c))))) * ((float(1) + ((mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.r + msl_c)))) - float(1)))) / mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.r - msl_c)))) + float(1))))))))));
msl_F.g = ((((((0.5 * mi_SQR(((msl_g.g - msl_c))))) / mi_SQR(((msl_g.g + msl_c))))) * ((float(1) + ((mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.g + msl_c)))) - float(1)))) / mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.g - msl_c)))) + float(1))))))))));
msl_F.b = ((((((0.5 * mi_SQR(((msl_g.b - msl_c))))) / mi_SQR(((msl_g.b + msl_c))))) * ((float(1) + ((mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.b + msl_c)))) - float(1)))) / mi_SQR(((((msl_c * ((msl_g.b - msl_c)))) + float(1))))))))));
msl_otherterms = ((msl_G != 0.0) ? ((((msl_D * msl_G)) / ((((3.14159265358979323846 * msl_nv)) * msl_nl)))) : ((msl_D / ((3.14159265358979323846 * msl_nl)))));
msl_result = ((msl_F * vec4(msl_otherterms)));
return msl_result;
float mi_falloff(
vec3 msl_direction,
vec3 msl_normal,
float msl_amount)
float msl_f;
float msl_0 = dot(-msl_direction,msl_normal);
msl_f = ((msl_0 < 0.000000) ? 0.000000 : ((1.000000 < msl_0) ? 1.000000 : msl_0));
msl_f = ((1.0 - pow(msl_f,1.0 / msl_amount)));
return msl_f;
float mi_orennayar_diffuse(
vec3 msl_lightDir,
vec3 msl_eyeDir,
vec3 msl_n,
vec3 msl_tangent,
float msl_diffuse_deviation)
float msl_sigma2 = msl_diffuse_deviation * msl_diffuse_deviation;
float msl_A = 1.0 - ((msl_sigma2 / ((2.0 * ((msl_sigma2 + 0.33))))));
float msl_B = ((0.45 * msl_sigma2)) / ((msl_sigma2 + 0.09));
float msl_cosThetaI = dot(msl_lightDir,msl_n);
float msl_cosThetaO = -dot(msl_eyeDir,msl_n);
float msl_sinThetaI = sqrt(max(0.0,1.0 - ((msl_cosThetaI * msl_cosThetaI))));
float msl_sinThetaO = sqrt(max(0.0,1.0 - ((msl_cosThetaO * msl_cosThetaO))));
float msl_cosPhiI = dot(msl_lightDir,msl_tangent);
float msl_cosPhiO = -dot(msl_eyeDir,msl_tangent);
float msl_sinPhiI = sqrt(max(0.0,1.0 - ((msl_cosPhiI * msl_cosPhiI))));
float msl_sinPhiO = sqrt(max(0.0,1.0 - ((msl_cosPhiO * msl_cosPhiO))));
float msl_maxcos = max(0.0,((msl_cosPhiI * msl_cosPhiO)) + ((msl_sinPhiI * msl_sinPhiO)));
float msl_sinAlpha,msl_tanBeta;
if (msl_cosThetaI > msl_cosThetaO)
msl_sinAlpha = msl_sinThetaO;
msl_tanBeta = ((msl_sinThetaI / msl_cosThetaI));
msl_sinAlpha = msl_sinThetaI;
msl_tanBeta = ((msl_sinThetaO / msl_cosThetaO));
float msl_0 = ((msl_A + ((((((msl_B * msl_maxcos)) * msl_sinAlpha)) * msl_tanBeta)))) / 3.14159265358979323846;
return (msl_0 < 0.000000) ? 0.000000 : ((1.000000 < msl_0) ? 1.000000 : msl_0);
float mi_phong_specular(
vec3 msl_lightDir,
vec3 msl_eyeDir,
vec3 msl_n,
float msl_specular_shininess)
float msl_0 = 2. * (-dot(msl_eyeDir,msl_n));
vec3 msl_1 = vec3(msl_0) * msl_n;
vec3 msl_refl = msl_1 + msl_eyeDir;
float msl_h = dot(msl_refl,msl_lightDir);
return ((pow(max(msl_h,0.),msl_specular_shininess) * ((msl_specular_shininess + 2.)))) / ((2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846));
float mi_ward_anisglossy(
vec3 msl_di,
vec3 msl_dr,
vec3 msl_n,
vec3 msl_u,
vec3 msl_v,
float msl_shiny_u,
float msl_shiny_v)
vec3 msl_h;
float msl_cosr,msl_cosi,msl_shiny_u2,msl_shiny_v2;
float msl_hn,msl_hu,msl_hv,msl_expo;
float msl_result = float(0);
msl_cosr = dot(msl_dr,msl_n);
msl_cosi = (-dot(msl_di,msl_n));
if (((msl_cosi * msl_cosr)) >= 0.0001)
msl_shiny_u2 = ((msl_shiny_u * msl_shiny_u));
msl_shiny_v2 = ((msl_shiny_v * msl_shiny_v));
msl_h = ((msl_dr - msl_di));
msl_h = normalize(msl_h);
msl_hn = dot(msl_h,msl_n);
msl_hn *= msl_hn;
if (msl_hn > 1.0)
msl_hn = 1.0;
msl_hu = dot(msl_h,msl_u);
msl_hu *= msl_hu;
msl_hv = dot(msl_h,msl_v);
msl_hv *= msl_hv;
if (msl_hn >= ((0.0001 * ((((msl_hu * msl_shiny_u2)) + ((msl_hv * msl_shiny_v2)))))))
msl_expo = (((-((((msl_hu * msl_shiny_u2)) + ((msl_hv * msl_shiny_v2))))) / msl_hn));
msl_result = ((((((exp(msl_expo) * msl_shiny_u)) * msl_shiny_v)) / ((((sqrt(((msl_cosi * msl_cosr))) * 4.0)) * 3.14159265358979323846))));
return msl_result;
vec4 rgb_to_hsv(
vec4 msl_rgb)
vec4 msl_result;
float msl_channelMin,msl_channelMax,msl_delta;
msl_channelMin = min(msl_rgb.r,min(msl_rgb.g,msl_rgb.b));
msl_channelMax = max(msl_rgb.r,max(msl_rgb.g,msl_rgb.b));
msl_result.b = msl_channelMax;
msl_delta = ((msl_channelMax - msl_channelMin));
if (msl_channelMax != float(0))
msl_result.g = ((msl_delta / msl_channelMax));
msl_result.g = float(0);
msl_result.r = float((-1));
return msl_result;
if (msl_rgb.r == msl_channelMax)
msl_result.r = ((((msl_rgb.g - msl_rgb.b)) / msl_delta));
if (msl_rgb.g == msl_channelMax)
msl_result.r = ((float(2) + ((((msl_rgb.b - msl_rgb.r)) / msl_delta))));
msl_result.r = ((float(4) + ((((msl_rgb.r - msl_rgb.g)) / msl_delta))));
msl_result.r *= float(60);
if (msl_result.r < float(0))
msl_result.r += float(360);
return msl_result;
vec4 hsv_to_rgb(
vec4 msl_hsv)
vec4 msl_result;
int msl_i;
float msl_f,msl_p,msl_q,msl_t;
if (msl_hsv.g == float(0))
float msl_0 = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result = vec4(msl_0, msl_0, msl_0, msl_0);
return msl_result;
msl_hsv.r /= float(60);
msl_i = (int (floor(msl_hsv.r)));
msl_f = ((msl_hsv.r - float(msl_i)));
msl_p = ((msl_hsv.b * ((float(1) - msl_hsv.g))));
msl_q = ((msl_hsv.b * ((float(1) - ((msl_hsv.g * msl_f))))));
msl_t = ((msl_hsv.b * ((float(1) - ((msl_hsv.g * ((float(1) - msl_f))))))));
if((msl_i == 0))
msl_result.r = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result.g = msl_t;
msl_result.b = msl_p;
if((msl_i == 1))
msl_result.r = msl_q;
msl_result.g = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result.b = msl_p;
if((msl_i == 2))
msl_result.r = msl_p;
msl_result.g = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result.b = msl_t;
if((msl_i == 3))
msl_result.r = msl_p;
msl_result.g = msl_q;
msl_result.b = msl_hsv.b;
if((msl_i == 4))
msl_result.r = msl_t;
msl_result.g = msl_p;
msl_result.b = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result.r = msl_hsv.b;
msl_result.g = msl_p;
msl_result.b = msl_q;
return msl_result;
varying vec3 position;
varying vec3 normal;
// The following are free parameters of the shader
// that should be set by the application at runtime.
uniform float msl_Component_falloff_1_amount;
// The following are parameters representing non-varying state variables
// referenced by the shader. These should be set by the application at runtime.
// Note that vector parameters should be provided in camera space.
uniform mat4 object_to_camera;
uniform mat4 camera_to_object;
// The following functions are generated from the MetaSL implementation of
// the shaders that are part of the compiled shader graph.
void Component_falloff_1_Component_falloff_main(
float msl_amount,
State state,
out vec4 msl_result)
float msl_falloff = mi_falloff((state.direction),(state.normal),msl_amount);
msl_result = vec4(msl_falloff, msl_falloff, msl_falloff, 1.0);
// The following method is the root function of the shader graph
vec4 Component_falloff_1_eval(State state)
vec4 msl_result;
return msl_result;
// This function is the main method of the fragment shader. It initializes the
// values in the state structure that are used by nodes in the shader graph
// and produces the final result of the shader.
void main()
State state;
state.position = position;
state.normal = normalize(normal);
state.direction = normalize(state.position);
gl_FragColor = Component_falloff_1_eval(state);
und der von mir gesäuberte Pixelshader:
* The following code was generated by the mental mill(R) (and cleand up by me :P) *
* *
* Copyright 1986-2007 by mental images GmbH, Fasanenstr. 81, D-10623 *
* Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved. *
varying vec3 position;
varying vec3 normal;
struct State
vec4 tex_coord[4];
vec3 tex_tangent[1];
vec3 tex_binormal[1];
float refracted_ior;
float incident_ior;
vec3 origin;
vec3 position;
vec3 normal;
vec3 motion;
vec2 raster;
vec3 direction;
float ray_length;
float dot_nd;
mat3 tangent_space[1];
float importance;
vec3 texture_du[256];
vec3 texture_dv[256];
vec4 volume_input;
vec3 light_position;
vec3 light_direction;
vec3 light_to_surface;
float light_distance;
float light_dotnl;
int light_type;
float light_spread;
float light_spread_cos;
float light_distance_limit;
float mi_falloff(
vec3 msl_direction,
vec3 msl_normal,
float msl_amount)
float msl_f;
float msl_0 = dot(-msl_direction,msl_normal);
msl_f = ((msl_0 < 0.000000) ? 0.000000 : ((1.000000 < msl_0) ? 1.000000 : msl_0));
msl_f = ((1.0 - pow(msl_f,1.0 / msl_amount)));
return msl_f;
void Component_falloff_1_Component_falloff_main(
float msl_amount,
State state,
out vec4 msl_result)
float msl_falloff = mi_falloff((state.direction),(state.normal),msl_amount);
msl_result = vec4(msl_falloff, msl_falloff, msl_falloff, 1.0);
vec4 Component_falloff_1_eval(State state)
vec4 msl_result;
return msl_result;
void main()
State state;
state.position = position;
state.normal = normalize(normal);
state.direction = normalize(state.position);
gl_FragColor = Component_falloff_1_eval(state);
Wups xD Noch während ich diese Zeilen schrieb hab ich das Problem schon gelöst lol.
(Hab dann den "gesäuberten" Shader korrigiert und auch die uniforms gefunden. (Komischerweiße arbeitet Strg+F nicht immer korrekt oO)